Does this sound familiar?
+ Are you frustrated about your path of life?
+ Do you feel uncertain how to reach your goals?
+ Do you feel alone in your spiritual growth?
+ Do you feel self-doubt of who you truly are?
+ Do you feel uncertain about what you're guided to do?
And would you rather be here?
+ connecting to your Healed Self & knowing Self-LOVE
+ No more trying to be perfect or people pleasing
+ healing your old story & claim your Worth
+ shifting from comparison trap into being guided by your intuition
+ Getting & Staying in the flow of the Joyful You!
And when I went through my own Wholeness Mastery Method of
is actually what opened up everything and led me to Joy, Peace and Abundance.
And now I want to give that to you!
You can be Joyfully You!
You deserve the joyful life!
You are worth it!
I believe in quantum leaps and I believe in you!
Life is here to be joyful, it’s your birthright. You can do this, if this is what you want: Claim your joy & reclaim your Life!
Walk with me, as we let go of the old and embrace the new, your vision, your longing, your belonging, and especially: Joy from a higher soul frequency!
Joy in being you, because YOU ARE WORTH IT!
18 weeks
To release,
Create and
Practice who you are in Joy!
Are you up for it? Are you ready to claim your birthright?
Because in the End: love heals all and love is all there is
18 Weekly Trainings!
Videos & workbooks in membership site
4 major limiting beliefs to be released
1 lifetime of Joy to claim
The first step to living a joyful life is:
To give yourself permission to get support (because otherwise you would have done it already by yourself)
In Joyful You! Claim your Joy - reclaim your life! You will receive INSTANT ACCESS to a portal where you will get immediate access to the accelerator module. Then every week, for 18 weeks, you receive one of your trainings, bonuses and more available through the portal! There are 9 modules, every module has two weeks of trainings, so you can integrate the new learnings & energy. With every new module you receive a guidebook as well as a workbook to accompany you.
Are you excited to be Joyfully YOU! Wholesome, abundant and excited about life?
18 weeks to the path to Joyfully Me!
18 weeks of trainings & journeys to getting to know yourself
4 major limiting beliefs to be released
1 lifetime of Joy to claim
*BONUS: INSTANT ACCESS to Magnetizing What You Want, a guided journey so you can call in what you want, people, places, and things
What are you waiting for? You know everything is energy, it’s time to let go of the old and being the person you came here to be: Joyfully You!
You are done doing life the difficult way OR put up with a life your soul knows isn’t true for you.
A new reality is waiting for you and I am here to show you how to claim that joyful life, the one you know exists, yet you could not get to it by yourself. Now is the time to trust that voice within, and decide to live life aligned and joyful!
I am a Self-Love Expert & Shaman. Over the course of the last 11 years, I have been helping thoughtful & open-hearted women (and some men) to move from self-sabotage & doubt to Self-Worth, Self-Love. Miracles & Abundance! I work with people from all over the world to help them remove their blocks, heal their limiting belief systems and step into embodying the most alive, and thriving versions of themselves, all this guided and aligned with their Soul’s path!
Initially, helping my daughter with Autism (and myself understanding the higher guidance in all of it) I studied to become a Master Shaman, Trainer & Transformational Coach for NLP & Hypnosis as well as Angel & Higher Dimensional Healing Expert as well as many other modalities, courses, and seminars. Yet the biggest transformation happened in me, and I knew I had to bring all this wisdom to the world.
And now, I am bringing you my signature Method to
Claim your Joy & Reclaim your Life.
Over 18 weeks you will be able to experience a proufound transformation to Become Magnetic in attracting Miracles, be in the flow and live the abundant, fulfilled & self expressed life you deserve - so they can become path for You going forward!
You will receive INSTANT ACCESS to a portal where you will get immediate access to the accelerator module. Then every week, for 18 weeks, you receive one of your trainings, bonuses and more available through the portal! There are 9 modules, every module has two weeks of trainings, so you can integrate the new learnings & energy. With every new module you receive a guidebook as well as a workbook to accompany you.
It is a great fit for you if you are desiring to be the true you, to let go of what's not working, willing to change, and ready to show up as yourself.
It is 18 weeks.
Yes! The course is perfect for you even if you already know how to manifest & create your life - Joyful You! is a whole other ballgame and there are so many nuggets in our course, you want to get! Each weekly recording builds on my foundational guidance for any level in your growth—newbie or seasoned pro!
A lot of times we aren't truly clear on what manifesting really is. This can cause a lot of frustration and, sadly, push so many to give up on manifesting. With the right foundation of understanding and guidance, everyone can Manifest Joy; that's the whole goal of the Joyful You! course. I've laid out each week to build on the previous one and developed supporting exercises to truly uncover each step, in the right order, at the right time. So no matter how many times you've tried, you will have the support you need to approach it the best way from now on. And remember … sometimes not seeing results is a sign all on its own. (We'll go over that further in the course, too!)
The Joyful You 2.0 non-refundable. I believe so deeply in miracles you're about to receive, and urge you to enroll with a commitment to seeing the training through.
This powerful audio meditation will help you tune into your inner magnet.