Loving Yourself Unconditionally
From self-doubt & anxiety
to Joy and Confidence
of being YOU!
👉 be the light in your life
and follow your purpose
So you never question again, 'am I good enough'?
Is your lack of Self Love not allowing you to to be happy?
Even though life is "good"?
Do you find yourself
->feeling not good enough to live a life of grandness?
-> lacking trust in your inner guidance
-> questioning your decisions & unsure about your next steps?
Do you know that
-> everything that comes to you in life has a message?
Can you look
-> in the mirror and honestly tell yourself "I LOVE you"?
If any of these strike a chord please know:
I have been there, deep down and full on.
Yet I know there is a way out. I know you deserve the full radiance you came here for. I have connected to it with ease and lived it... and so can you!
Welcome to Self Love with Nicola
a Self Love Mentorship & Shamanic Healing
Program specially for women who want more out of life, who are done with 'not good enough' or feeling 'overwhelmed' even that life is 'good'.
I so get it, I was in your shoes not that long ago.
I made myself wrong for years thinking I should be happy, yet I did not feel good enough. Like all women my life has been filled with many blessings and it’s been filled with many challenges. Many of my challenges started from a young age of growing up which has let me to a life long path of Spiritual Seeing and Personal Development Seeking plus being a Women Entrepreneur. And even though I am happily married and have three great kids and live in New York City with two cats I found myself struggling with Worthiness & Confidence .... and I couldn’t really let myself feel good enough and I didn’t really know why.
Until I discovered that the core and the key and really the secret to my Worthiness is True Self Love.
I kept thinking that, if I made more money in my business, I would feel more Self Worth and I felt like a number of external things would let me believe in myself, let me step into my power of claiming my Worthiness.
And when I went through my own 9 Step Self Love Process
of Me validating Me,
Me seeing Me,
Me mothering Me,
Me being there for Me
that is actually what opened up everything and
led me to Worthiness and Peace and Fulfillment.
It’s my great honor and my personal obsession to share this message with others. And today I am still a wife and a mother and I am an Entrepreneur and my message of Worthiness through Self Love is why clients from around the world continue to work with me.
How did I get here?
My name is Nicola Fernandes and I've had the privilege and honor of mentoring and coaching 100s of clients over the last 5 years in the Secret to Happiness through accessing and elevating their Self Love, Confidence and Joy. I am a Master Shaman, NLP, and NLP New Code Master Practitioner, an Advanced Yoda & Vedanta teacher as well as a teacher of the Kartikean Yogic Method and Integrated Energy Therapy. Through all this mastery and my own insights and evolution, I created what I found was the fasted way to clear, access, and elevate to the highest vibration of Self Love, Intuition & Purpose - the secret of Happiness.
And that's when I created my one 9 Step Self Love Program.

And BIG news:
Self-Love Coach & Shaman Nicola Fernandes just received the 2023 New York Award for consecutive years.
Here's what you can expect
You wake up in the morning and you know and can feel this is another exciting day. You do your morning routine, you feel this high vibration, love and happiness all around you and you are so exhillerated what this day brings. Another day in your amazing life, miracles manifesting and you know that is it, you know how to go forward and life an exceptional life .... and you do it.
I work with purpose driven women who are highly committed to their own growth in their life and their relationships. They know that their growth depends on them opening up to guidance and being committed to themself no matter what. These amazing women soar high and create and manifest from a place of ease, because once you bring Self Love and Self Worth into your life, your life flows. I invite you to listen what my clients would like you to know about our work:
Now it's your turn,
The 9 Step Self Love Program
In this private Healing mentorship I'll help you:
Clear and replace the mind chatter of not good enough and not worthy, so you can access your own Love for yourself in yourself
Clear energetically what's blocking you so you can move forward with joy and peace
Upgrade your confidence in your intuition so you can believe in yourself and feel fulfilled with the path you choose
Tackle the fears of not using your life for what you're able to do, the fear of not deserving, the fear of not using time properly, the fear of missing something, and the fear of the unknown
Feel the shift in your Being, with the release of the emotional and mental discomfort, stepping up to a higher vibration and experience of 'ALL IS GOOD' while bathing in your own Love for YOURSELF
From that place you create your future, easy and effortlessly, because you accessed and elevated your TRUE SELF LOVE & SELF WORTH
Find your own path up the mountain, and the more often we go together, the better you know the route, and can go with ease as far and high as you desire
Give yourself permission, from a place of Self Love & Self Worth, to be seen for who you are: powerful & loving, with a high vibration, in your life and business.
Develop a SOUL connection that’s so real, vulnerable, and inspiring that it actually lifts YOU up, making the thought of “not being good enough” disappear.
Break free from old stories, paradigms, and beliefs that keep you small and limit the impact you desire.
Process triggering emotions that interfere with your productivity and efficiency so you’re no longer taken out by upset, fear, shame, or anxiety.
Honor your body as your foundation so you can deliver your programs and live your life with grace and ease instead of force and exhaustion.
Awaken your creative genius when you’re feeling blocked so you’re excited to jump out of bed in the morning, excited about the new day, what it will bring, and grateful for knowing how to be happy every moment.
Transform your relationship with money so you no longer undercharge and over-deliver out of guilt, shame, or terror.
Learn how to trust your body’s wisdom instead of the worrying thoughts of your mind.
Activate & align your chakras so your energy centers work for you and not against you.
Strengthen your intuition as your internal guidance system to keep your business authentic and innovative so you’re never intimidated by someone else’s idea.
Remember the purpose you were born with so you’re no longer searching outside yourself for answers or affirmation.
This is in your sweet 6 months package
of Self Love & Accessing your inner Healer:
- Onboarding call to set intentions & commitments and lay out a step by step plan
60 min Intensive per video call or in-person to start clear you energetically and mentally and connect you to your own inner wisdom as a base for accessing the Self Love & Self Worth in you. We will do some ceremony and connect to the mythic, the mother of all to initiate you into becoming who you truly want to be. This is the beginning of a beautiful journey that weaves through your Heart and Soul to connect you to that happiness every moment, that Self Love that is right there for you.
13x 60 min video call sessions, with support over 6 months - we meet 2-3x/month - to heal, clear, grow and create who you want to be and the life you want to life.
Self Love Welcome Packet to fill out before we begin so I can receive your desires, witness your fears, and tune into your mission that you aren’t even aware of yet. My questions will guide you, all you have to do is show up.
Breakthrough Divine Assignments crafted to your needs to reclaim your wisdom and experience from the session and keep that high vibration in between sessions
Access to Nicola via Text to support your Divine Messaging, Emotional Processing, and Breakthrough Assignments. Support by Nicola herself as you need it in-between calls Mon-Fri.
Weekly Process & Planning to anchor your takeaways, goals, and next steps in a committed way.
Feedback Check Point every sessions for you to share your feedback with me so I can serve you better and feed your unique love language. I’m so committed to your greatness that I want to make sure my coaching and assignments are landing for you in safe, sacred, and powerful ways. Your honesty is welcome.
A surprise gift, for each of my very special clients, only revealed to become the true you!
Dana, NY
From the moment you meet Nicola, you know that great things are possible. Her positive energy, support, and guidance are invaluable. I have gained such insight that has not only impacted my life in such a positive way but those around me as well. It has been a truly amazing experience!
Charlie Sweeney
Nicola is amazing! She has a great way about her and really gets you to think about the “bigger picture”. After each session, I’d find my thinking to be much more expansive and my energy to be much lighter. I continue to practice all that she has taught me.
Mary Porcino
Nicola is an amazing coach. She never fails to tune in right to the places where I am stuck and helps me uncover new and empowered ways to look at my problems. I have been able to make some very helpful changes in my life and to feel hopeful about challenging areas where I thought I could not find happiness, success, or contentment. She is warm, smart, and strong. She asks questions that are relevant and that challenge me - so that I begin to see my life in new, fresh ways. I feel lucky to have found Nicola. She really cares about me and has the skill and tools to help me move forward.
Mentorship is currently accepting applications! Click to join!
Click below to join the application process and schedule an interview to explore if we're a match for Self Love Mentorship.
*By application only*
Ready to connect to an unwavering faith in Your Self Love and Self Worth,
so you can say "my life is truly amazing"?
Sign up for a Clarity Call now.
Once you sign up for a call you’ll receive a confirmation email, plus instant access to a bonus gift.
This program isn't for everyone
I have been working with and teaching these skills for a long time, and I know without a doubt that this program really works… if you implement what you are learning.
That’s why I only want you to say “yes” to my 9 Step Self Love Program if you are truly committed to up-leveling your Self Worth and Self Love, claiming your power, and sharing your gifts with the world.
If you join the program from this place, you will absolutely see the results you want.
However, if you aren’t fully committed, then this program likely won’t work for you.
You see, even the best coaches and programs in the world are only as effective as you allow them to be.
I can only meet you halfway.
It’s up to YOU to apply what you’re learning to create your own success story.
Jacqulyn Yassen
Having Nicola enter my life has been a blessing. She has guided me in a difficult time in my life and gave me the strength to overcome my fears and move forward with confidence and a different mindset. She really gave me the tools to look within and to really help change my ways so I do not repeat the same lessons in life.
Judith Halbreich
Nicola is an example of divine love. She is present, very perceptive, and intuitive which makes my transformation an easier process and her direction adds depth to my other spiritual practice. Love her.
Stephenie Gobris
Nicola gives you an eye-opening experience into areas you didn’t know needed to be healed. She helped me get through obstacles in my life that pushed me to move forward, and I highly recommend her!
But wait, there is a special
only with this package!
Receive my
Heartcentered Success Program (a live recording with Shaman Nicola)
- a $5,555 value -
the perfect companion & support to
help leaders 🤩 overcome past trauma & release subconscious programming and 🚀 be their Best Self aligned with
🌟 abundant success in the 4 core pillars of life
Make A Choice
• feel worthy in this life?
• go for the best life ever, knowing you deserve it by truly experiencing to Love Yourself?
• connect to the secret of Happiness, once and for all?
• and feel full of Joy, confidence and know your next steps aligned with your purpose?
IF YOU ANSWERED “YES,” “YES” AND “YES” AGAIN, and if you’re feeling more excited with each moment that passes, then click the “I’M READY” button below to get started right away.
Or, you can choose to go back to life as usual…
Back to thinking "but I 'should' be happy with my life, maybe I am just not one of the lucky ones who can have it all".
(You know, the ones who jump out of bed in the morning, excited about what this day will bring and while radiating their light knowing that this (as every day) is a special day to make a difference.)
FROM THE OUTSIDE, IT MAY LOOK LIKE I AM ONE OF THE “LUCKY” ONES. But dig a little deeper and you’d discover that I too struggled, pretty much as long as I can think back. . .
Then I learned the skills and created my 9 Step Self Love System. And in 2 years I went from thinking 'I am not good enough, and who do I think I am to have it that good to YES, this is my life and I know I can create my dreams and beyond!
Again, I want to emphasize that I’m NOT special… I’m just a woman with a dream, who finally discovered how to make that dream a reality. And now I want to help you do the same. YOU HAVE TO ACT NOW TO JOIN US FOR THE Additional Bonus!
Click the button below to get started. I look forward to seeing you in the program!
Much love, Nicola
Yes Nicola, I want to join get Self Love Mentoring &
Shamanic Healing from you.
I understand that the 9 Step Self Love Program includes:
Onboarding call to set intentions & commitments and lay out a step by step plan
60 min intensive to transform limiting beliefs and old patterns & energies while harnessing your intuition and connecting to your Heart & Soul, the basis for Self Love
13x 60 min sessions over the course of 6 months to further your inner wisdom, creating possibilities and certainty of your essence & path
Breakthrough Divine assignments
Access to Nicola in between sessions via Text Support
Self Love Welcome Packet
Weekly Individual Process & Planning
Feedback Check Point
The Heartcentered Success Program (a live recording with Shaman Nicola) - a $5,555 value - the perfect companion & support to help leaders 🤩 overcome past trauma & release subconscious programming and 🚀 be their Best Self aligned with 🌟 abundant success in the 4 core pillars of life
1 additional Self Love surprise gift, selected individually for YOU
The Mentorship is currently accepting applications! Click to join the application process.
Click below to join the application process and schedule an interview to explore if we're a match for Self Love Mentorship.
*By application only*
Ready to connect to an unwavering faith in Your Self Love and Self Worth,
so you can say "my life is truly amazing"?
Get your offer now.
Once you sign up you’ll receive a confirmation email, plus instant access to a bonus gift.
Frequently Asked Questions:
But I already KNOW this stuff. Can’t I do it on my own?
My first question is…are you truly happy, knowing how to connect to that happiness inside of yourself that does not depend on anything outside of you? If your answer is YES…perhaps this program is not for you. However, if you’re like most women that are successful or starting out entrepreneurs, you’ve probably accumulated more than enough information. And you’ve likely struggled for a long time with challenges around feeling worthy and allowing yourself to receive support because you deserve it.
But the fact is, if you were going to do this on your own, you would have done it by now. It’s tough to be creative and have breakthroughs in isolation. It’s tough to work consciously accessing your unconscious to let go of old and elevate. Why not give yourself the gift of the support you need, to remove whatever is standing in your way? Why not open yourself to receive the help, the exercises, new mindset, audios, and expert feedback that will finally allow you to make that leap to the next level in your life
I just started my business. Is the 9 Step Self Love System right for me?
Be grateful you won’t have to make the expensive time and money mistakes most women (including myself) have made of blocking yourself and your inner radiance to get out there. The 9 Step Self Love Program is what I developed after many years of seminars, clients, and fine-tuning. It works, and it zeros in exactly to what you deep down need. It is so personal, that it is exactly tailored to your experiences, needs, and wants. And elevates you exactly into the vibration that is right for you. What better than to experiencing happiness every moment ;-)
I’m a successful entrepreneur. How can this program help me?
If you’re a successful entrepreneur but aren’t finding True Happiness in your life and work, then the 9 Step Self Love System will absolutely help you get there.
Most successful entrepreneurs who are still not feeling good enough (and I can speak to this because I was there for a long time) have some shifts to make around: wealth consciousness, charging your worth, and connecting to that Self Love that is the ultimate secret of True Happiness in whatever you do. If any of this resonates with you—or if you have an intuition that this is what you’ve been searching for—then I highly recommend you join the program.
What if I’m just in it for the Self Development?
The 9 Step Self Love Program designed for all who are totally committed to growth in their lives, no matter what. So if you are committed to investing resources (time & money) and are ready to be challenged and really grow in your life and purpose, this is right for you.
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes! You may choose to invest either $11,111 in full or 6 payments of $1,987 every 30 days
P.S. It’s no accident that you are on this page. I’m willing to bet that something inside of you has been searching for this for a long time. Now it’s up to you to decide… Will you spend months or years trying to figure this out on your own and working to shift to your next level without support? Or are you ready to skip all that struggle and take the fast track to the Secret of Happiness with me?
Are you ready to receive the support that you need?
Just think—if you get to the happiness, self-worth, and love of yourself that life becomes your dream, what else is possible from that place where life is just the most magical place and miracles happen in that happiness all the time. What a life that would be! You deserve it!
Click the button below to get started.
The Mentorship is currently accepting applications! Click to join the list.
Click below to join the application process and schedule an interview to explore if we're a match for Self Love Mentorship.
*By application only*
Ready to connect to an unwavering faith in Your Self Love and Self Worth,
so you can say "my life is truly amazing"?
Get your Clarity Call now.
Once you sign up you’ll receive a confirmation email, plus instant access to a bonus gift.